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    Topic Topic Author Replies Views Last Post
shakes  atkinsqueen  5037  10-7-2003 5:15 PM
SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME  VICKIE  4302  4-28-2003 4:26 PM
Starting Tomorrow  Debbie  4077  6-21-2003 09:29 AM
stuck  Ellen  2459  1-8-2011 9:32 PM
stuck for 2 plus months  Cathy  4017  9-7-2003 6:42 PM
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE  lorri  3638  8-5-2003 4:28 PM
Thirsty   Nicki  2998  6-21-2003 09:22 AM
Vegetarian  E.Bradshaw  3684  6-4-2003 4:08 PM
weight gain after smoking cessation  Carole  3771  9-18-2009 9:59 PM
Weight loss and Detox USA  Simon Hamer  3129  12-30-2005 11:12 AM
Weight loss and sugar alcohols  Anne Griffith  3251  8-16-2005 10:35 AM
weightloss had stopped  nicole  4056  9-16-2003 4:34 PM
All times are MT (US).
All dates are in Month-Day-Year format.
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