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sid       sid8692@yahoo.com 4-26-2002 7:41 PM
I'm only 9 I have had real bad sinus problems and I've been on steroids since Dec 1 and I got off last month. And I don't have my ears pierced and my dad said I could if I lost 15 pounds. I weighed 75 before now I weigh 125. Can you help me Nina or somebody else?

Nina       information@locarbdiner.com 5-2-2002 8:32 PM
Dear Sid,

Thanks for posting. I hope we can help you. Dr. Atkins says that his diet is not a good idea for kids under age 12 because your bodies are still growing much faster than teenage or adult bodies. So that means we can't encourage you to cut your carbohydrates down to a minimum like we are doing. Still, there are many good "common sense" ideas that you can follow -- ideas that are the basis of all healthy weight control programs.

First of all, everyone agrees that you have to stop eating anything with sugar in it -- not just candy and cookies and donuts and cakes and pies, but also things with hidden sugar like sodas and fruit juice, ketchup and tomato sauce. You'll need to start reading food labels to be sure you aren't getting sugar. It will be hard at first because you'll feel like you have to have the sweets. You'll have to go through a short "withdrawal" period, but then you will find that your cravings will go away, you won't be as hungry all the time, you'll start feeling better, and maybe some pounds will disappear.

Next, drink lots of water. "Lots of water" means 6-8 big glasses per day, or as close to that as you can get. It means choosing water to drink instead of most anything else (except milk, of course.) It means carrying a bottle of water with you all the time.

Next, increase your exercise. If you aren't into sports, try walking or biking or swimming. Whatever you do, don't live in front of the computer or the TV! Just keep moving.

Finally, you have to eat lots of green vegetables. No way around this one.

If you want to go a step further, you can try to cut down on the "white" carbohydrates - bread and rice and spaghetti and macaroni and potatoes and french fries and french fries and french fries. Eat a sandwich with one slice of whole wheat bread instead of two. Choose coleslaw or cottage cheese or salad instead of potatoes when you can. Try eating Chinese food with much less white rice under it. (Maybe you can get brown rice instead.) Try avoiding pasta all together.

Some people find it helps to write down everything they eat so that they can look at it and think about it. You could start a notebook with dates and your weights. Then, if you are eating right and still not losing weight, you could show your notebook to your doctor and ask what you should try next. Your doctor will see how serious you are and will want to help you!

Please run these ideas by your Dad before you try them, and maybe you can ask your doctor about them, too. We are not trained as doctors, so we can't give you any medical advice. Good luck with the pierced ears! Let us know how it goes! Nina
CG       nocagedogwatch 10-19-2002 7:58 PM
Good luck to you! I would ask my Dad to ask the doctor if lo carb snacks would be healthy for you..if yes, then I would substitute all foods that you used to eat that had sugar in them with foods that are lo carb...the health food stores sell bread, cookies, granola, milk (the KETO brand stuff tastes the best to me...) It would help for your dad to become aware of foods and their carb count, so that the choices you make do not leave you feeling deprived(because you still have to bring your lunch to school, and go to parties and all that good kid stuff...so you have to know before you go somewhere what you can and can't eat) and that your food choices do not leave you craving sugar...and that can only change once you keep your carbs low and eat lots of veggies (get a carb counter so you'll know which veggies are lo carb, some are very high!!) Fruit is a sensitive issue for a kid because you need the vitamins but the carbs/sugar may create cravings...maybe vitamins can be a substitute...check with dad and doctor...Same with milk....write again and let us know how far you've gotten!!CG
CG       nocagedogwatch 10-19-2002 7:58 PM
Good luck to you! I would ask my Dad to ask the doctor if lo carb snacks would be healthy for you..if yes, then I would substitute all foods that you used to eat that had sugar in them with foods that are lo carb...the health food stores sell bread, cookies, granola, milk (the KETO brand stuff tastes the best to me...) It would help for your dad to become aware of foods and their carb count, so that the choices you make do not leave you feeling deprived(because you still have to bring your lunch to school, and go to parties and all that good kid stuff...so you have to know before you go somewhere what you can and can't eat) and that your food choices do not leave you craving sugar...and that can only change once you keep your carbs low and eat lots of veggies (get a carb counter so you'll know which veggies are lo carb, some are very high!!) Fruit is a sensitive issue for a kid because you need the vitamins but the carbs/sugar may create cravings...maybe vitamins can be a substitute...check with dad and doctor...Same with milk....write again and let us know how far you've gotten!!CG
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