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Mel       bearidge@usa.com 5-27-2002 8:57 PM
I used Dr. Atkins' Diet several years ago with good success. Then I gradually drifted back to old habits. Now I have diabetes and need to lose this weight again.

I have been on the induction diet for six weeks and have still not reached ketosis. I have lost some weight though. How important is it to go into ketosis? Is there something more (or less) that I can do to reach that state?

Ruth       information@locarbdiner.com 6-9-2002 09:27 AM

Are you still losing weight without being in ketosis? Dr. Atkins seems to be down-playing the importance of ketosis if you are losing weight without it. We have included some of his material on our website. Look under the News Stand, in the section called "Ask Dr. Atkins". You can find additonal information on the Atkins Center site, www.atkinscenter.com. For example, just type "ketosis" into their search utility, and you'll get several pages of listings of articles and FAQs.

I have rarely been able to get into ketosis. Ketosis is a sign that you are burning fat, but it is not always a marker as to whether you are going to lose pounds or not. My personal experience is that I lost only 12 pounds on Atkins induction. The diet was not at fault; I found that I was insulin resistant. I coincidently found a book in the drug store about the "Turbo Protein Diet." I purchased the protein powder, Almased, and lost 11 lbs. in two weeks and have maintained this weight loss. The two weeks on Almased actually "reset" my metabolism. I will soon be going on the fast again to reach my goal. I was so impressed with the product that I wrote to the manufacturer and now we are selling Almased through our website.

Another idea to think about is the concept of "hidden carbs." Sometimes carbs can creep into our diet without us being aware of how quickly a few miscellaneous carbs can add up to more than the induction limit. We included an article on hidden carbs in our last newsletter. You can see it under the News Stand. Also, note that many of the products that we carry are more suitable for maintenance instead of induction because they may have a few carbs each.

I hope that this information is helpful to you. Let us know how you are doing. Good luck!
Jeff       jro91@hotmail.com 9-11-2002 4:44 PM
What is almaise? (sp) I saw it on your webpage. I am interested. I am a former football player who is 6'3 formally 350...started atkins and in three months lost 30 pounds...now I hit a wall. I am trying to break through and get down to 275. I am naturally big boned and almost look skinny at 275. Help!! I eat pretty much eggs or bacon for breakfast, a carb bar, for lunch and sometimes just a carb bar for dinner. I find myself cheating once a week and binging on Mcdonalds or something along that lines. Any suggestions on how to drop the weight fast and to get my metabolism up?
7yuu       12-14-2003 10:56 PM
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