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Rosie       asl.signr@worldnet.att.net 2-11-2003 6:02 PM
I have a question for whoever can give me the infor. I am totally confused by the "net carbs". I have Dr. Atkins new book and I thought I understood that net carbs are the total carbs less any listed fiber. However I just bought his Advantage bar and it says 21 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fiber, so that leaves 12 net grams. right? OK, but on his website, it says they are only 2 net grams. I like that, but I don't know how they arrived at that. Can anyone out there clue me in?
By the way I started Atkins Feb 1, 2003 and on the sixth day I had lost 4.5 lbs. I'm thrilled to death, and plan on sticking with it!
Kathryn       kathryn_utan@yahoo.com 3-19-2003 3:33 PM
As far as I understand it, you also subtract things like glycerin and other ingredients that have little if any impact on raising blood sugar levels. It is kind of confusing...I think Atkins gives the carbs-minus-fiber formula as a general rule of thumb.

I started the Atkins myself mid-January and am almost down 20 pounds, but things are slowing down more than I'd like. I think I'm going back to induction to speed it up again!
Nicki       NLK1972@yahoo.com 3-24-2003 1:28 PM
Besides the fiber, you can also subtract things like Maltitol and other artificial sweeteners. The Atkins Website goes in to some detail about this. They have an article on there called "Not all Carbohydrates Count the Same Way" or the title is something close to that.

I have been on Atkins for 3 weeks and have lost 14lbs. I feel better than I have in years! I don't feel deprived at all, and I have tons of energy! My entire family, and now many of my friends, are also doing Atkins. It's so nice to have such a big support group, and we can all celebrate our success together!

By the way, the Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar is the best, and so is the Josephs maple syrup with the pancake and waffle mixes! I think making sure you eat a variety of foods is key to success on this plan.
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