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Rosie       asl.signr@worldnet.att.net 2-2-2003 06:41 AM
I saw Dr. Atkins on Donahue a couple of nights ago. I am trying to get started on a low carb diet. I'm mainly just not eating sugars or carbs. Yesterday was my first day ..I made an omlet for breakfast, skipped lunch and had a grilled chicken breast, salad and green beans for dinner. I ate a piece of cheese for a snack later because I was hungry. I planned to go buy the book today, but after today (from reading some of the topics) I'm torn between buying the Atkins book or the Power Protein book. What are the keto strips? I presume that answer will come to me by reading the book. I have given up coffee already for several months because of high blood pressure, also I do 40 min of aerobics 4 days a week and two of those days I add weights. I've been doing this since Aug 12th and have only lost 8 lbs.I'd really like to be a little more successful. Are there any other people out there who think the Protein Power book is a better program than Atkins? I'm not sure which one to get on. Thanks
Petrina       petrina.owens@heidtman.com 2-5-2003 2:32 PM
According to the Atkins book, the two are really the same diet, except Protein Power came out a little after Atkins did. So I guess it doesn't matter, even though I recommend Atkins, because that's the diet I'm on and am satisfied with it.
marie       marieblissett@aol.com 4-10-2003 6:08 PM
I've been on the atkins diet sincejan 12 of 2003 and i've lost 32 pounds so far. i think this diet is really great. read the atkins book it gives ALOT of information. the keto strips is what you use the bathromm on. and it tells you if you are losing weight. you can get them at wal-mart sometimes. good luck.
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